30+ Best 500 Days of Summer Quotes

Relive Tom and Summer’s 500 days together with these heartwarming quotes from the iconic feel-good movie.


500 Days of Summer is the kind of movie that you might not remember every detail of down the line, but you’ll always remember how it made you feel. 

It gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside, even if it isn’t a love story.

Rewatching it, I felt the same way.

The movie follows Tom (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who works at a greeting card company, where he meets Summer (Zooey Deschanel). She’s different and he’s immediately drawn to her. 

After building up the courage to spend time with her, he hopes it will turn into something more however Summer makes it clear from the start that she just wants to be friends.

The story isn’t told in order. It jumps back and forth between different moments from the 500 days Tom and Summer’s lives are connected, as it shows their relationship progression. 

From them going out to spending time in their apartments and sharing intimate moments in bed.

my thoughts on 500 Days of Summer

First, can I say I love how real Summer is. She doesn’t hide her feelings from Tom even in their last meeting together.

She clearly told him she wasn’t the one for him, despite knowing how much it would hurt him. Of course, she hasn’t said it in a cruel and insensitive way. She just knew he would get over it and find his person.

The music choices and cinematography. I loved the way some bits were shot on film, and particularly the title sequence which showed a montage of old footage of a supposed Tom and Summer where they were little before their lives intertwined. Also, the music choices were spot on.

Important lessons. The film teaches you so many important non-cliche lessons about relationships and breakups.

Here’s a look at some of the best quotes from 500 Days of Summer.

500 Days of Summer movie quotes

Summer: [Tom is listening to headphones in an elevator with Summer. She notices the music] “I love the Smiths.
Tom: Sorry?”
Summer: “I said I love the Smiths.”
Summer: [they stare at each other for a moment] “You… You have good taste in music.”
Tom: [repeating after her] “You… like the Smiths?”
Summer: [singing] “To die by your side, such a heavenly way to die.”
Summer: “I love em.”
Tom: [elevator stops, Summer leaves while Tom remains dumbfounded] “Holy shit.”

This is probably my favorite scene—and likely everyone else’s who has seen this movie. It kind of shows that just because you have things in common with someone you’re interested in, it doesn’t mean it’s enough to build a real relationship.

But at the same time, this scene is cute simply because they bond over The Smiths and nothing else.

Tom: “People don’t realize this, but loneliness is underrated.”

This scene is kinda funny, after getting to know Summer for 22 days, Tom doubts about her. 

During an elevator, Tom asks Summer how her weekend was to which she responds “It was good” with emphasis on the good.

Tom is led to believe Summer is promiscuous and decides he doesn’t want to get to know her anymore.

Tom: “It’s official. I’m in love with Summer. I love her smile. I love her hair. I love her knees. I love how she licks her lips before she talks. I love her heart-shaped birthmark on her neck. I love it when she sleeps.”

He can't help but love her.
He can’t help but love her.

Looking back, Tom can’t help but remember all the things he loves most about Summer, even though they view love very differently. He was so caught up in his feelings for her that he didn’t really think why they couldn’t work.

Summer: “We’re just fr…”
Tom: “[Interrupting] No! Don’t pull that with me! This is not how you treat your friend! Kissing in the copy room? Holding hands in IKEA? Shower sex? Come on! Friends my balls!”

They were inseparable.
They were inseparable.

Tom wants to know if he and Summer will take the next step and become boyfriend and girlfriend. However, after Tom gets into a brawl with a man at the bar who was hitting on Summer, she tells him there’s no point in arguing about it because they’re just friends, leaving Tom heartbroken.

Tom: “Either she’s an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or… she’s a robot.”

He starting going on dates to forget about Summer.
He started going on dates to forget about Summer.

While Tom always had fond memories of Summer, he begins to realise that some of the things he once loved about her, he now despises about her. Particularly as he believed that one day they could be more than just friends.

Tom: “You don’t want to be named as anybody’s girlfriend, and now you’re someone’s wife?”

Summer: “I just… I just woke up one day and I knew.”
Tom: “Knew what?”
Summer: “What I was never sure of with you.”

Summer opened up about her feeling for Tom after getting married.
Summer opened up about her feeling for Tom after getting married.

After realising that they weren’t meant for it. This is the moment Summer shows her real feelings towards Tom, giving him closure.

Tom: “Nobody loves Ringo Starr.”
Summer: “That’s what I love about him.”

The pair have the same taste in music but disagree on a few things.
The pair have the same taste in music but disagree on a few things.

This is a scene in which Tom and Summer spend their early of the situationship, going out and one place they visit is a music store. Although the pair seem to have the same taste in music they end up playing disagreeing over Beatles artist Ringo Starr.

In a few scenes back Summer also admits that she and Tom always “argue.” But it seems implied that their arguments are bigger.

Summer: “There’s no such thing as love, it’s fantasy…”

“I like being on my own. Relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young. We live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Might as well have fun while we can and save the serious stuff for later.”

Summer is a diva.
Summer is a diva.

This bit is where Tom and Summer end up bonding after attending a work party together.

Summer ends up discussing love and how she doesn’t believe it in, particularly because of her parents’ divorce and many others. However, Tom argues that’s not the case. He clearly misses another red flag due to the fact that he fancies her.

Tom: “You know what sucks? Realizing that everything you believe in is complete and utter bullshit. It sucks.”
Summer: “What do you mean?”
Tom: “Uh, you know. Destiny, and soul mates, and true love. And all that childhood fairytale nonsense. You were right. I should have listened to you.”

500 Days of Summer isn't your usual romcom.
500 Days of Summer isn’t your usual romcom.

Despite her skepticism of love – Summer admits that though that her current situation – being in a stable relationship- has taught her that some fairytales do exist.

Tom: “This is lies. We are liars. Think about it. Why do people buy cards? It’s not because they want to say how they feel. People buy cards because they can’t say they feel or are afraid to. And we provide the service that lets them off the hook. You know what? I say to hell with it. Let’s level with America. Or at least let them speak for themselves. Right?”

“People should be able to say how they feel – how they really feel – not, you know, some words that some strangers put in their mouths.”

Tom hit out at his old job.
Tom hit out at his old job.

Tom reflects on the greeting cards provided by his company, reflecting on how emotions should be said rather than just something written by someone else.

Tom: “I’m messed up. I am. You know, on the one hand, I want to forget her. On the other hand, I know that she’s the only person in the entire universe that will make me happy.”

Girl at Interview: [the girl at the job interview agrees to meet Tom for coffee afterward] “We’ll figure it out. My name’s Tom.”
Girl at Interview: “Nice to meet you.”
[Shakes his hand]
Girl at Interview: “I’m Autumn.”
[Tom looks at the camera in amazement. Film cuts to a title card with a “1” indicating the first day of Tom’s relationship with Autumn]

He meets a new women in his life.
He meets a new woman in his life.

In the end, Tom learns that who he believed was “the one” wasn’t actually the one for him but that doesn’t mean he should give up. It’s bittersweet but a great ending to the movie.

Best 500 Days of Summer Movie Quotes.
Best 500 Days of Summer Movie Quotes.

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